Sonic Efficiency offers clear advice on how music royalties work, offering 1-2-1 consultation. The “Sonic Efficiency Royalty Healthcheck” allows artists and labels to get a one-stop view of how their music is currently represented within the different societies. Sonic Efficiency will present repertoires in an easy to follow format, identify what may need amending due to errors or invalid submissions, and further identify where any gaps are. Contact Sonic Efficiency for more information.
The founder of Sonic Efficiency, Sarah Monument, has published the book “UK Music Royalties - Made Easy!” - available to buy online.
Hard copy booklets are available to buy through the BUY THE BOOK page.
Sonic Efficiency ensures your catalogue of music is completely and accurately registered with royalty societies - offering royalty consultation to advise on how you can maximise the income you make from your music; as well as publishing services using a next generation music contract where you retain full control and ownership of your music. Royalty audits are available to trace through back catalogues and ensure any unclaimed money is back dated and reclaimed.
Sonic Efficiency offers freelance consultancy to streamline your business and capture all money due from your releases. Business processes will be defined to ensure all money generated by the label through distribution and royalties is completely captured and correctly allocated to artists.
Sonic Efficiency can produce business plans, financial forecasts and budgeting for upcoming projects, grant and funding applications - along with access to up to date information on the latest grants and funds available to musicians as they are released.
Sonic Efficiency easily adapts to creative environments and timescales, working with business owners to assist with financial and operational processes, and most business requirements, including book keeping.